Our highly trained and experienced coaches use deep theoretical and practical knowledge about development, leadership, and complexity to support leaders to think and act in new ways.
Developmental coaching: increasing capacity
While our specific approach to each client is different, a common thread that runs through all of our engagements is our focus on sensemaking. We help our clients see and understand their own sensemaking and what their own perspective enables–and disables. We support clients to learn new skills and perspectives for supporting their teams and having difficult conversations. And we understand that leadership requires an embodied practice, where not just the leader’s head but her whole presence is engaged–and engaging. Because our coaching comes from rich and varied theory and practice, we are able to ask different questions and help clients look at the whole system of their organisations–and their leadership. These questions lead to new insights for clients who are able to see a bigger picture and recognise solutions where they were once stuck.
We use the Growth Edge Interview to support deep understanding of clients’ own thinking and blindspots, the Leadership Circle 360 to help clients understand their impact on others, and somatic coaching practices to make sense of the way clients embody their leadership ideas and capabilities.