Thought-provoking, insightful, and empowering. This book opens up academic research to a broader audience, encouraging us all to expand the limits of our thinking. Jennifer’s work continues to inspire me.
This book is a superb exploration of the ways that complexity calls on leaders to think, act, and engage differently. It will leave you with a few simple, yet powerful, habits that will change you as a leader . . . and a person. A landmark work!
People have been asking for years, ‘Where can I go for a rich, practical, and incisive guide to the relationship between adult-developmental theory and coaching?’ Now there is an answer. You are holding it, and when you start reading it, it will hold you.
Purpose has been far more transformational than I could have possibly imagined.
Some personal development books are engaging, but not lead to long lasting self-improvement. This book will help people change their lives forever.
Return on Ambition reveals a truth about leadership—ambition can actually make it more difficult to succeed and, even as we do succeed, it can rob much of the joy from the effort. Return on Ambition can help anyone with big dreams achieve them and do so while enjoying the ride.