
Adaptive offerings
Evolving organizations

Your people are navigating a unique blend of complex circumstances that can feel overwhelming, and standard solutions often fall short.

Our approach is one of co-creation, grounded in three foundational principles:

We engage closely,
listening and grounding in your unique circumstance.

We begin by listening to learn all about your organization – your unique purpose, context, and aspirations. Through in-depth diagnostics – observation, interviews, and facilitated discussions – we get to know your people and understand the complexity of their environment. Grounding our approach in your real context enables us to address your needs with precision and care.

We share what we know
and learn like crazy.

Drawing from deep expertise in adult development, complexity theory, and complementary fields including psychology and neuroscience, we share proven strategies, frameworks, and tools that help your leaders think, engage, and operate more effectively.

Today’s leaders face ever-changing environments where it can be impossible to predict, plan, or control outcomes. We call this “outer complexity” – the real-world challenges that demand more than conventional planning and accountability solutions. We help leaders think critically, collaborate effectively, and take confident action while adapting as they learn.

But complexity is not just external. We also focus on the “inner complexity” of leadership—the personal growth and self-awareness your people need to lead with their whole selves: body, heart, and soul. Our tools support leaders in exploring their “growth edges” and taking steps to continue evolving, both personally and professionally.

We create together with you,
no set recipes.

There are no recipes for your unique situation. We bring deep experience to co-create a strategy that adapts and evolves with your organization. But we do know lots about creating fantastic experiences, informed by our history of thought and practice leadership. It’s like having a personal chef with decades of culinary experience, curating a menu for the current moment.

By involving your people, we enable conditions for the language, concepts, behaviours, and tools to be embedded within your organization’s culture.

We bring these elements to you as individual leaders, executive boards, leadership teams, and organizations of all sizes.

Adaptive, custom leadership solutions for complex environments.


Organizations already engage in strategy, leadership, and change in many effective ways. This effectiveness becomes limited when the world is moving faster than ever before.
What we offer is not a replacement for existing ways of thinking, but an enrichment of them.

We offer frameworks, tools, practices and experiences that can be overlaid on top of what already exists to open up new ways of personal and organizational growth and development.

Leading in Complexity

We work at multiple levels, from scalable leadership development programs that support leaders throughout the organization to lead in complexity, to working with intact and cross-functional teams to be more adept and high-functioning.

Evolving Healthy Systems

We help organizations be fit for evolution and complexity, specifically in the areas of organization design and development, change management, and the challenges of becoming ever more inclusive workplaces amidst demographic and generational shifts.

Governance in Complexity

Many governance structures are outdated, given the permeability of organizational boundaries and new ways of relating and doing business. Previous strategies geared towards the predictable are insufficient. We build practices for new ways of governing and take a complexity-friendly approach to strategy.

Explore some of the examples of our adaptive offerings

Equip your leaders with custom-crafted, adaptive
strategies that grow with your organization.